Welcome to the Cheshire Constabulary local area survey, please proceed by clicking the button below

Your name (optional)
Please provide your full home postcode in the first box below. This will help us see if we have a fair response across the area and help look at results by district or town area.
Please enter your postcode
1. Do you feel safe in the area you live at:
Please ensure that you have answered this question
a) Very safe
b) Fairly safe
c) A little unsafe
d) Very unsafe
After dark
Any time
2. What are the top three issues in your community which could be solved or supported by partnership working between the police, other agencies and community members (please tick up to three)
Please ensure that you have selected 3 answers
3. Please tell us which is your top priority from the previous question and provide details of where this is happening.
Please enter an answer for this question
4. How confident are you that Cheshire Police would be there if you needed them?
Please select an answer
5. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Please ensure that you have answered this question
a) Strongly agree
b) Tend to agree
c) Mixed view
d) Tend to disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Cheshire Police (inc. PCSOs) are visible in my local area
Cheshire Police are accessible to me in my local community
Cheshire Police are dealing with anti-social behaviour effectively in my area
Cheshire Police are dealing with crime effectively in my area
Do you require an additional language translation?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, your input is very much appreciated.